Dimitra Bolton

Candidate for Director at Large

Dimitra Bolton is a CSSE London Chapter member and a Canadian Registered Safety Professional with more than 20 years of professional experience. She began her career in 1998. Since late 2022, Dimitra has worked as a health, safety, and environmental technician at Royal Canin, which produces specialized foods for cats and dogs. 

Dimitra is a graduate of Fanshawe College’s Occupational Health and Safety Program, where she also worked as a continuing education instructor from 2001 to 2013. 

She has been an active volunteer with the CSSE for a number of years, and currently serves as Chair of the London Chapter. Under her leadership, the chapter has hosted a wide variety of guest speakers and held a number of workshops for its members. Dimitra also volunteers for other organizations, including Toastmasters International, Workplace Safety and Prevention Services, the Canadian Standards Association, and Threads of Life. 

Dimitra’s experience with leading the London Chapter has given her an opportunity to work closely with other chapter members as well as the national executive team. She hopes to continue strengthening these relationships as a member of the national Board. She is looking forward to the opportunity to be part of the process of the transformational change underway at the CSSE, and feels that her confidence in facilitating, delivering programs, conducting meetings, leading others, and connecting with people, as well as her experience as London Chapter Chair and as an active volunteer with other large organizations, has given her the skills she needs to be part of the team leading this change. Dimitra believes that the “new” CSSE will provide better value for both members and volunteers, help increase membership numbers, and enhance the profile of the health and safety profession in Canada.