Dave Turner

Candidate for Vice President, Governance & Human Resources

Dave Turner is the President of Turner Safety Systems, which offers a range of health and safety services to a variety of organizations. He is a professional mining engineer and has worked in the mining and construction sectors for most of his career, and as an occupational health and safety professional for more than 40 years. He also works as an adjunct professor in risk management at the University of Fredericton

Dave has trained mine rescue personnel in Saskatchewan, British Columbia, and the Northwest Territories. He has also designed rescue scenarios for mines, pulp mills, and municipalities. In British Columbia, Dave worked with the local Emergency Measures Organization, setting up emergency services for municipalities.

In 1996, Dave was one of the first Canadians to become a Certified Mine Safety Professional. 

Dave has been a member of CSSE since 1983. Currently, he is a Director at Large. He has also volunteered for various chapters over the years, is active on the executive of the Northern Light (Saskatoon) chapter, and has served on the Awards Committee since 2007, becoming its Chair in 2010. He also spent many years on the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals’ Board of Governors, and has volunteered with a number of other organizations. 

Dave believes that the importance of an organization like the CSSE has never been more crucial, and that the transformation the CSSE is currently undergoing is essential to ensuring that it becomes the “go-to” organization for health and safety professionals across the country. His focus would be on growing the membership and creating and promoting more professional development opportunities. He also believes that the CSSE should be an active part of working toward health and safety being recognized and licensed as a profession, and that it needs to collaborate with like-minded organizations in Canada and around the world to ensure that health and safety is recognized as an essential profession.