Spotlight on CSSE Members

Ken Newby
Outstanding Service Award Winner (National Level), 2022, Edmonton

Volunteers like this year’s Outstanding Service Award (National Level), Ken Newby, play an important role in CSSE’s success. The award recognizes CSSE members who have made sustained contributions to CSSE in 2022. These individuals have demonstrated leadership and have gone above and beyond for the betterment of CSSE and its members.

Ken is an Edmonton Chapter member and a member and past Chair of the Northern Alberta

Institute of Technology (NAIT) OHS Diploma Program Advisory Committee. To expand student outreach, he helped organize the CSSE YEG Student Committee, develop its terms of reference to focus on this special interest group, and sponsor CSSE support of full time students in the Edmonton region including: student job shadowing, student networking with CSSE industry members, student resume reviews, and class site tour. He also proposed the reduction of CSSE annual student fees to help increase the stream of student membership in the CSSE.

Ken is an OHS professional with more than three decades of experience. He is an enthusiastic supporter of the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) and its certification program and provides outreach and assistance to those who are preparing for these exams locally, regionally, and nationally.

He is also the coordinator of the Edmonton Chapter’s CRSP study group. When the group’s sessions went online during the COVID-19 pandemic, it opened up the sessions to members across the country, as well as internationally, and Ken took advantage of this change to increase CSSE’s membership numbers, as participants had to become members before joining the group.

Ken is also involved in the chapter's Education Committee. Working with chapter members, he helps identify their educational needs and then organizes seminars and workshops to meet those needs. And since the sessions are delivered virtually, members from around the country can attend.

Ken is one of the Edmonton Chapter’s, and the CSSE’s, most dedicated volunteers. He is constantly “spreading the word” about the benefits of membership, particularly the CSSE’s educational and networking opportunities.

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